Gloriana Esquivel | Product Designer

I help create and simplify digital experiences for SaaS products.

6+ years improving people's work experience and productivity in complex fields.
⚙️ Eased the setup experience to consolidate relevant data and deliver quality reporting.
📊 Improved user confidence in analytics to increase presence adoption.
📱 Improved multichannel experience to increase user satisfaction.
🪄 Introduced refreshed UI to improve product's usability and drive user engagement.
🧰 Contributed in the overall experience and strategy for industry leaders in R2O (return to office) and hybrid workplace management products.
Dashboard Studio: Designing for better and tailored workplace tracking experience.
Improved user confidence in analytics and presence to increase the revenue streams and help our users rebuild the story behind the numbers.
Home of Reporting: Improving the analytics search and navigation
Provide workplace information to the right people so that they can use data to inform real estate, space optimization, and operational task.
Rethinking the admin experience for a Travel Management System
Designed the information architecture and dashboard, UX and UI to reduce the administrative burden.
A mobile touchpoint for employees to improve product's delight and user satisfaction
Influenced the product team to request a redesign of a key growth initiative: a simple experience to plan and navigate within a flexible workplace.
AR Desk Booking and way-finding concept
An AR approach to help our users navigate and get further information from their workplace.
Eased the integration experience to consolidate relevant data and  deliver quality reporting
Uncovered barriers to understanding and trust through interviews and journey mapping.
Other products from my old portfolio
GoPato Home
Go pato at HOme | 2019
Go pato Store Front | 2019
FieldTech Connect
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